These four books are all selected in the spirit of ‘a retweet is not an endorsement’ to provoke discussion and reflection – that’s the point of a book club, right?
31st January: Mason Currey, Daily Rituals Women at Work (Picador 2019)
I invite you to read this one with a sense of curiosity. You can read in order or just skip around. As you do, you might notice: Which of these habits sound appealing, like something I might try? Which sound appalling, like something I would never do, and why not? You might wonder, what do my reactions reveal about me, my own rhythms, priorities, and values?
28th February: Cal Newport, Deep Work (Piatkus 2016)
This book does two things at once, which is a pretty neat trick. On the one hand, it (unintentionally) sets up our critique of the macho, neoliberal model of productivity. On the other, it offers some quite interesting research and some truly useful ideas. So I suggest you read it with two hats on: both as feminist alert to sexism and patriarchal assumptions, and as person looking for useful ways to work more efficiently and consistently. And I will challenge you, when you are through, to sit down and ask yourself, ‘What are my own Deep Work (& Life) Rules?’
14th March: Kate Northrup, Do Less (Hay House 2019)
I suspect Northrup’s book may be the most polarising of the four. Intended as an alternative to ‘leaning in,’ it is about letting natural cycles – of menstruation, the moon, the seasons – guide your work and effort. Personally, I alternate between nodding in agreement and rolling my eyes into the top of my head when I read it. Really looking forward to discussing it with you.
28th March: Oliver Burkeman, 4000 Weeks (Bodley Head 2021 & FSG 2021)
The current productivity must-read, and I think it’s brilliant. If I were to write a productivity book, this would be the one. What happens when you realise that this — this right now — is your one and precious life?
The Enough! Book Club Guiding Principles: 1. Having read the whole book is optional. 2. Wine is encouraged.