Mindfulness & Meditation

This is not your HR department’s mindfulness, promise. Laura will never suggest that if you just learn to take deep breaths, everything will be okay. Meditation is not a smokescreen for workplace-induced stress due to institutional racism, structural misogyny, or unreasonable workload.

Instead, this is about equipping yourself to navigate your way through whatever waters you face. Mindful awareness and meditation practice are tools for being present and intentional in the face of challenges. By recognising and allowing difficult emotions, we also make room for ease and joy. It is possible to touch into a deep well of peace regardless of what is happening around you. This helps us increase our ability to discern when to rest and when to resist.

Laura’s mindfulness and meditation coaching can be as light-touch or as intensive as you’d like — her support runs the gamut from finding small ways to increase the sense of steadiness you feel in your day-to-day life to dedicating yourself to a regular meditation practice. This latter is informed by Laura’s own study and practice, which combines a Zen sensibility with vipassana (insight) teachings and emphasizes spacious awareness and lovingkindess. Having maintained a personal meditation practice since 2004, Laura completed certification as a mindfulness meditation teacher in 2023, and continues to sit retreats and study with teachers including Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Amana Brembry Johnson, Yanai Postelnik, and Narayan Helen Liebensen.

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