Here are 11 foundational attitudes for cultivating awareness and wellbeing.*
- Curiosity
- Kindness
- Gratitude & Generosity
- Acceptance
- Nonjudging
- Nonstriving
- Letting Go / Letting Be
- Patience
- Humor
- Trust
- Beginner’s Mind
As an experiment, you might choose one to focus on for the next week. Write it on a post-it and stick it on your keyboard or the back of your phone. Note it at the top of your daily to-do list too. Check in with it throughout your day. Let it be there not as a critic but as a gentle, loving nudge.
As a longer term experiment, you might decide to cycle through all of them over the next eleven weeks.
And this is key: these are attitudes to cultivate within yourself towards yourself as well as towards others. Accepting yourself. Not judging yourself. Trusting yourself.
*This list was developed by Christiane Wolf, J. Greg Serpa, and Jon Kabat-Zinn.