
Writing is tricky. The same project can be both a refuge and a taskmaster. Your feelings about it can fluctuate wildly from day to day, hour to hour — excitement, despair, inspiration, boredom, curiosity, dread. Flow is an elusive guest. Process is something other people have. Finishing is a longed-for dream and a stunning anticlimax.

Laura will help you develop a consistent, healthy, sustainable writing practice. Her approach combines concrete strategies with mindful awareness. A longtime writer with an agent, a book deal, and published essays, articles and book chapters under her belt, as well a committed meditator and dharma student, Laura draws on nearly three decades of hard-won expertise in writing strategies, writing groups, and the psychology of showing up and putting pen to paper.

In addition to one-to-one writing coaching, Laura offers writing groups, workshops, and group coaching programmes. For PhD students, Laura offers bespoke combinations of coaching and mentoring, and she has helped many cross the finish line. For those of you who have been at this a long time, but feel the balance is not quite right anymore, Laura supports you in determining how develop new habits and do things differently. For everyone, the focus is on helping you develop a system that works for you so you can get your writing done with a sense of balance and ease.

Some resources to support your writing practice can be found here.