Metta Phrases

The four phrases I typically use:
May I be safe.
May I be healthy.
May I be peaceful.
May I live with ease.

Remember you can add “as…as possible.” Ex: May I be as healthy as possible.

Other favourites:
May I be filled with lovingkindness.
May I be safe and protected.
May I love and be loved.
May I be present for my life unfolding.
May I trust the path I am on.

Additional options:
May I be safe from inner and outer harm.
May I be free from fear.
May I know joy.
May I be happy.
May I be healed.
May I make a friend of my body.
May I dwell in peace.
May I be held in the heart of love.
May I accept myself completely, just as I am.

Use these as we discussed in our 1-1 or group session.