Affirmations Reminding yourself what you know.
Anxiety Strategies for when anxiety shows up.
Creating a Writing Ritual It’s simpler than it sounds!
Cultivating Foundational Attitudes 11 foundations for a life of equanimity.
Daily Pages A tool for transitioning into writing or “deep work” time.
Drafting Versus Crafting Setting a clear intention.
How to Start Writing How you finish is how you begin.
How to Run a Writing Group Advice for starting, organising and keeping a writing group going.
Gratitude & Forgiveness Practice A powerful tool for shifting your perspective (and falling asleep!).
Getting in the Mood to Write How do you get in the mood to write? Write.
Getting Unstuck Five strategies for getting going again.
Joy List An experiment.
Metta Phrases For practicing lovingkindness meditation.
On Gratitude Real talk.
Reasons to Work with a Timer There are so many!
Resonance A tool for finding out what matters.
Separate Preparing from Writing Being honest with yourself.
Simple Gratitude Journal Instructions for a simple, written gratitude practice.
Sit & Do Nothing Practice An alternative to meditation.
Technology Timeline If you’re curious about your technology autobiography.
That Perfect Thing That Was In My Head Words of wisdom from Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Three Kinds of Writing A tool for carrying on when you’d rather stop.
To-Do Lists These are my best strategies — because you asked.
20-Minute Chunks The power of focussed writing bursts.
Unschedule A revealing experiment based on a sound understanding of procrastination.
Working With Saboteurs For when the internal critic is getting in the way.
Working With Saboteurs: The Quick Version To address that internal critic on the fly.
Writing Buddies Building community and solidarity.