Balancing Work & Parenthood

Everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive at work, including parents of young children. Yet most professionals find very little support for this at the institutional level. Laura has developed a coaching programme to address this need.

Bringing together her expertise in productivity, values, and mindfulness — as well as her own experience as a working mother — Laura offers institutions a means to provide support for their employees who are returning to work after a period of parental leave. For academics, there is also a focus on building in time to write. The usual format is a daylong workshop followed by a year-long series of group coaching sessions as well as one-to-one support.

The programme treats the return to work as a transition. Indeed, one of the most difficult transitions one faces in one’s professional life is returning to work after a baby arrives. This is the case not just for the first child but for each one to follow. Priorities shift, habits change, and new strategies develop. It is necessary now to be present and productive on more than one front, and it can be very difficult and disorienting. Laura provides the ongoing support new parents need to navigate this transition successfully.

Contact Laura to discuss how she might assist your organisation’s commitment to equity.

Next: Retreats & Away Days